LIVE WEBINAR | 14 ottobre h17: 'Lo sviluppo sostenibile di PMI e PA'

Festival della Sostenibilità: MACFIN ed eLegere invitano a un confronto aperto per un futuro più sostenibile di PMI e PA
MACFIN Group, società di consulenza direzionale che realizza progetti di digital transformation & consulting negli ambiti dell’organizzazione aziendale, del risk management e della compliance, ed, prima piattaforma low-code italiana di Smart Operational Process (SOP) Management sono gli organizzatori di un evento dal titolo ‘Lo sviluppo sostenibile di PMI e PA: le opportunità del Next Gen EU e della digitalizzazione smart’, che si terrà online, in diretta streaming, il 14 ottobre alle 17:00.

L’appuntamento si inserisce nell’agenda delle iniziative del Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile (28 settembre - 14 ottobre), la più grande manifestazione italiana della società civile sui temi della sostenibilità, promossa da ASVIS – Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile.

Ideato per creare un momento di riflessione e approfondimento, favorire il confronto tra diversi attori provenienti dal mondo istituzionale, accademico, imprenditoriale e produttivo, l’evento ha come obiettivo quello di sensibilizzare tutte le parti in causa al rispetto degli impegni presi in sede Onu con l’Agenda 2030 e a farle impegnare per una ripresa all’insegna della sostenibilità economica, sociale e ambientale.
Oltre ai rappresentanti delle aziende organizzatrici del panel - Alessandro Salibra Bove, Partner di MACFIN e Stefano Conconi, Founder di -, interverranno Carlo Corazza, Responsabile del Parlamento europeo in Italia, Maria Teresa Bianchi, docente di Economia Aziendale presso la Facoltà di Economia dell’Università “La Sapienza” di Roma, Stefano Valvason, Direttore Generale di A.P.I. Associazione Piccole e Medie Industrie, e Barbara La Porta, Ricercatrice Biologa di ISPRA - Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale e Co-Coordinatore scientifico del progetto LIFE SEPOSSO. La tavola rotonda sarà moderata da Andrea Salvati, Vice Presidente con delega allo sviluppo di Federazione Digitale Italiana.

L’evento si svolge in un momento chiave del percorso dell'Italia e dell’Europa verso un nuovo modello di sviluppo e verso una ripresa socio-economica post pandemia. Sarà un’occasione per comprendere a fondo le opportunità previste dal Next Generation EU, dal Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (Italia Domani), e scoprire in che modo i trend tecnologici emergenti possano contribuire al raggiungimento dei traguardi di sostenibilità che riguardano produttività, resilienza e riqualificazione professionale di imprese e pubblica amministrazione. Grande spazio verrà dedicato al tema dell’innovazione dei processi produttivi, elemento individuato dai Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs dell’Onu, dal Next Gen Eu e dal PNRR come necessario per la transizione verso un’economia sostenibile, e alle misure di sostegno specifiche che possono essere adottate dalle PMI e PA per attuare la trasformazione digitale. L’incontro permetterà di comprendere dalla viva voce dei destinatari di tali misure quali siano le loro necessità, dalla semplificazione dei processi allo snellimento degli iter di accesso ai sostegni, fino alla formazione del personale.

Uno sguardo approfondito verrà posto sui trend tecnologici più dirompenti del prossimo decennio, tra cui la democratizzazione delle soluzioni informatiche che possono dare un contributo significativo al cambiamento diventato sempre più necessario, anche a causa dell’emergenza pandemica che ha investito il mondo intero.

Un punto d’attenzione verrà rivolto allo Smart Operational Process (SOP) Management, un approccio innovativo alla gestione dei processi operativi e di business che permette in pochi clic di realizzare applicazioni aziendali per la raccolta, integrazione, condivisione e governo di dati, senza dover avere specifiche competenze tecniche.
La gestione e l’analisi delle informazioni, il supporto dei processi produttivi e di governo d’impresa non saranno più esclusiva dei pochi che potranno permettersi competenze e tecnologie complesse e costose.

L’evento è gratuito e aperto al pubblico, previa registrazione al link:
Al termine del webinar tutti gli iscritti riceveranno un white paper sui temi dell’evento.

eLegere Lands on TelesiaTV, the Italian Leader in GO TV

eLegere, the first Italian no-code/low-code platform for Smart Operational Process (SOP) Management, debuts on the italian GO-TV screens of the TelesiaTV located in 80 underground stations (Rome, Milan, Brescia, and Genoa) and in 15 airports.

An informative campaign dedicated to the impact of the SOP Management on digital transformation and to the frontier technologies that make it possible to enhance the digital heritage hidden in organizations will be ON AIR in June and July 2021.

The campaign will feature Alessandro Giancane, CEO of Vesenda, our innovative software house focused on the development of eLegere.

A small tribute that eLegere by Vesenda dedicates to the restart of Italy and all Italian companies and in view of a new and important change towards a safer, more sustainable and smart future.

Relive the interview of our CEO Alessandro Giancane on Class CNBC's "Italia 4.0"

On May 12, our CEO & Founder Alessandro Giancane was a guest on Class CNBC's "Italia 4.0", where he spoke about the SOP Management (Smart Operational Process Management), its role in processes digitalization, and in the simplification and acceleration of the digital transformation. He explains how eLegere, an innovative SOP Management solution, helps to enhance the digital heritage hidden in SMEs, large companies, and public administrations by managing operational processes, often hidden or unstructured, and turning them into digital assets.

Among the other speakers of the Italia 4.0 TV show titled "Process digitization: behind the scenes of Industry 4.0":

Stefano Valvason, General Director of A.P.I. (Associazione Piccole e Medie Industrie) -
Francesco Bellifemine, Head of Digital Factory e-Health & Smart City of Exprivia -
Filippo Salis, MRICS, CEO and Founder of SFRE • Services For Real Estate -

Watch the recording of the italian tv show with Alessandro Giancane, CEO & Founder of Vesenda and eLegere (Italian Language):

Our CEO guest at Italia 4.0 on Class CNBC (Sky 507)

Wednesday 12 May at 9pm we will be guests of the episode “Digitization of processes: behind the scenes of Industry 4.0” of Italia 4.0, on Class CNBC (Sky channel 507).

Alessandro Giancane, CEO and founder of Vesenda and eLegere, will talk about the impact of Smart Operational Process Management (SOP Management) on digital transformation and of the frontier technologies that enhance the digital heritage hidden in all organizations.

Among other guests:

Stefano Valvason, General Manager of A.P.I. Associazione Piccole e Medie Industrie
Francesco Bellifemine, Head of Digital Factory e-Health & Smart City of Exprivia
Filippo Salis, MRICS, Managing Director & Founder of SFRE • Services For Real Estate

It will also be possible to follow the live streaming broadcast on

eLegere recognized as one of the "TOP 100 Products 2021"

Our revolutionary software platform, eLegere, has been included among the “100 Top Products 2021” of the exclusive book created by Class Editori and Milano Finanza.

The iconic volume of over 200 pages collects a selection of the best products, brands, and services from various sectors that stood out in 2020 for their success, originality, innovation, uniqueness, and sustainability, and will also be protagonists in 2021.

The 100 products and services presented in the volume in three languages ??(Italian, English, and Chinese), represent the best of what has been conceived and produced in strategic sectors such as technology, digital services, food, four and two wheels, fashion, and design.

eLegere has been considered the best Italian Smart Operational Process (SOP) Management solution used by national and international companies as a strategic tool to transform unstructured and shadow processes into digitally smart processes.

Flexible like a spreadsheet and solid like an ERP, eLegere makes it easy to configure and enable collaborative web and mobile applications for collecting, integrating, validating, and exchanging data.

It is aimed at managers of any business function who need to quickly manage different types of processes, including the approval of purchase requests, asset management, the collection of sell-in and sell-out data, budget definition, and more.

The software ensures quality and reliability in the management of processes, greater efficiency, increased performance and productivity, optimization of resources, and reduction of time and costs: a true enzymatic activator of digital transformation.

“We are proud of this award as a result of the vision, hard work and dedication we put in our daily work to innovate the eLegere software.” said Alessandro Giancane, CEO & Founder of Vesenda. “We started in 2012 by thinking and designing eLegere to offer a technology able to help companies and public institutions to digitally transform and govern their unstructured operational processes. We are the first Italian company focused on the Smart Operational Process (SOP) Management but our technology has been adopted by leading companies from all over the world. Thanks to all colleagues, partners, suppliers, and customers for choosing us and for helping us achieve this goal.”

The volume page dedicated to eLegere can be downloaded from this link: eLegere-100_TOP_products_2021

To consult the digital version of the entire volume:

Class Editori Digital Newsstand

Vesenda received the "MMF Excellence Reward" for eLegere

During the Milano Marketing Festival 2021, one of the most important Italian events in the field of marketing and digital innovation, Vesenda received the “Excellence Reward” for “the innovation of SOP Management in digital transformation” recognized to the revolutionary software eLegere.

The Milano Marketing Festival Rewards is assigned by Class Editori to all brands, products, and services that have distinguished for their performance, innovative approach, creativity, marketing, and communication strategies. The winners were selected by a technical committee composed by marketing experts and the editorial staff of ItaliaOggi.

“We are proud of this award as a result of the vision, hard work and dedication we put in our daily work to innovate the eLegere software,” said Alessandro Giancane, CEO & Founder at Vesenda. “We started in 2012 by thinking and designing eLegere to offer a technology able to help companies and public institutions to digitally transform and govern their unstructured operational processes. We are the first Italian company focused on Smart Operational Process (SOP) Management. Our technology has been adopted by leading companies from all over the world. Thanks to all colleagues, partners, suppliers, and customers for choosing us and for helping us achieving this goal.”

The virtual awards ceremony was held the 18th March at 7.10 pm on Class CNBC (channel 507 Sky) and in live streaming on,

Click here to relive the Milano Marketing Festival Rewards Ceremony.

Relive the talk "L'innovazione del SOP Management per la Digital Transformation"

On March 16 from 4pm to 5pm CET our CEO & Co-founder Alessandro Giancane participated in the live panel discussion “L'innovazione del SOP Management per la Digital Transformation”, organized during the 5° edition of the Milano Marketing Festival organized by Class Editori.

The panel focused on the advantages of the Smart Operational Process (SOP) Management integrating the innovative eLegere software as the first step of a real Digital Transformation.

Read the press review on ItaliaOggi (in Italian):
? MMF_17032021IO

Among the speakers of the panel:

Alessandro Giancane, CEO & Founder, Vesenda
Alessandro Salibra Bove, Partner, Macfin Group
Roberto Russo, Chief Risk Officer, Banca Progetto
Barbara Landone, Vice Director, IL CENTRO - Shopping Mall Arese
Barbara La Porta, Research Biologist, ISPRA - Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale & Scientific Coordinator, LIFE SEPOSSO project
Gian Davide Alfano, Head of Automation Intelligence practice, Cluster Reply & Digital Transformation expert

Relive the talk (in Italian) and discover all inspirational stories of transformation and success here.

The event was also live on Class CNBC (Sky 507),, Zoom and social networks.

Milano Digital Week: "Become a Digital Transformer. Space Mission for Sustainable Futures"

Don't miss the chance to meet Vesenda at the online edition of the Milano Digital Week 2021.

On Friday 19 March from 5.30pm to 7.30pm CET will participate in the workshop “Become a Digital Transformer: Space Mission for Sustainable Futures" organized by the Master in Design the Digital Strategy of the Politecnico of Milan -, Twig, consultancy firm specialized in digital strategies, and A.P.I. (Association of Small and Medium Industries).

Visionary companies, SMEs, professionals and young talents will work together to co-create and co-design new sustainable futures with focus on Open Innovation and Digital Transformation.

Organized as a role-playing game set in space, the workshop will be an opportunity for dialogue and contamination between all innovators involved to find new ideas and projects through innovative design-driven methodologies.

Are you a Digital Transformer? Come on board to build a more sustainable and innovative future together!

The event will be held in Italian.

Register here to discover more and join the space mission.

Join us at the 5° Edition of the Milano Marketing Festival

Save the date! On March 16 from 4pm to 5pm CET our CEO & Co-founder Alessandro Giancane will join the live panel discussion “The Innovation of SOP Management in the Digital Transformation”, organized during the 5° edition of the Milano Marketing Festival.

The Milano Marketing Festival 2021 (#MMF2021) is the most important Italian event in the field of marketing and digital innovation where ambitious marketers and innovators can discover, learn, and shape the future together.

The panel will focus on the advantages of integrating the innovative eLegere software as the first step of a real Digital Transformation.

Among the speakers of the panel:

Alessandro Giancane, CEO & Founder, Vesenda
Alessandro Salibra Bove, Partner, Macfin Group
Roberto Russo, Chief Risk Officer, Banca Progetto
Barbara Landone, Vice Director, IL CENTRO - Shopping Mall Arese
Barbara La Porta, Research Biologist, ISPRA - Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale & Scientific Coordinator, LIFE SEPOSSO project
Gian Davide Alfano, Head of Automation Intelligence practice, Cluster Reply & Digital Transformation expert

Discover all inspirational stories of transformation and success.

Register here to attend the live event (in Italian) and check out the program.

The event will be also live on Class CNBC (Sky 507),, Zoom and social networks.